November 6(Mon.) ~ 8(Wed.), 2023
Park ballroom(5F), Conrad Seoul Hotel
Past Symposium
2022 KIAPS International Symposium
On the Global NWP System Modeling
14th(Mon.) ~ 16th(Wed.) November, 2022
Park Ballroom(5F), Conrad Seoul Hotel, Korea
Hosted by
Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems(KIAPS)
  • Operational NWP Systems
  • Dynamical Core
  • Physics Parameterization
  • Coupled Model
  • Observation Preprocessing
  • Data Assimilation
  • NCAR
  • UKMO
  • NOAA
  • ECCC
  • CMA
  • CCRS
  • BoM
  • KMA
  • 14 Nov.(Mon.)
  • 15 Nov.(Tue.)
  • 16 Nov.(Wed.)
First Day (14 November 2022, Monday)
09:00~09:30 Opening Remarks
09:30~09:50 Group Photo
[Session Ⅰ] Keynote Presentation
09:50∼10:40 Research and Forecasting Atmospheric Modeling Activities in Japan Masaki Satoh
(University of Tokyo)
10:40∼11:30 Prospects and challenges for the Earth System approach to Numerical Weather Prediction at ECMWF Stephen English
11:30∼13:00 Lunch Break
[Session Ⅱ] Overview of Operational NWP Systems
13:00∼13:20 Next generation NWP Modeling : Status report W.J. Lee
13:20∼13:40 Improvement of NWP for NWS Forecasters through Requirement Development according to the NWS Governance Process Young-Joon Kim
13:40∼14:00 Improving Earth System Model Development via Hierarchical System Development and the Common Community Physics Package Jimy Dudhia
Dr. Jimy Dudhia’s Presentation of SessionⅡ is moved to last presentation slot( 17:10-17:30) of session Ⅵ on 15th.
14:00∼14:20 State-of-the-art NCEP operational modeling and future advances Vijay Tallaparagada
14:20∼14:40 Coffee Break
14:40∼15:00 Numerical Weather Prediction at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Peter Steinle
15:00∼15:20 KMA operational NWP model(KIM) status and future plan Jong-Chul Ha
15:20∼15:40 Km-Scale NWP and CMIP6-based Regional Climate Projections at the Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS) Dale Barker
15:40∼16:00 CMA NWP system status and future plan Xingliang Li
[Session Ⅲ] Poster Presentations
16:00∼18:30 Poster Presentations
18:30∼20:30 Welcome Dinner
Second Day (15 November 2022, Tuesday)
[Session Ⅳ] Dynamical Core
09:00∼09:20 Application of Adaptive Time-step Algorithm in KIM Hyun Nam
09:20∼09:40 A Comparison of Numerical Characteristics in the regional MPAS and WRF models Using Low-level Wind Analysis during Heavy Snowfall episodes over Complex Terrain Sanghun Park
(Yonsei University)
09:40∼10:00 Development and Evaluation of the KIM dynamic core of a stretched global grid Suk-Jin Choi
(Gangneung-Wonju National Universit)
10:00∼10:20 Extending the Nonhydrostatic MPAS Atmospheric Model to Geospace Applications Bill Skamarock
10:20∼10:40 An Overview of NOAA’s Unified Forecast System (UFS) with Focus on the FV3 Dynamical Core Kevin Viner
10:40∼11:00 Coffee Break
[Session Ⅴ] Physics Parameterization
11:00∼11:20 A Semi-Lagrangien Advection Algorithm for Double-Moment Microphysics Scheme (MPs) Songyou Hong
11:20∼11:40 Atmospheric Model Physics for the NOAA Unified Forecast System (UFS) Applications Across Scales Vijay Tallaparagada
11:40∼12:00 Subgrid-Scale Topographic Effects on Radiation for Global Weather Forecast Models Sunghye Baek
12:00∼12:20 Appliance of Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux (EDMF) approach in ShinHong (SH) scheme Wonheung Kim
12:20∼13:50 Lunch Break
13:50∼14:10 A simplified chemistry module in KIM - status and plans Jung-Yoon Kang
14:10∼14:30 Evaluation of clouds in the Korean Integrated Model Eun-Hee Lee
14:30∼14:50 New ice microphysics in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Double-Moment 6-class (WDM6) Kyo-Sun Lim
(Kyungpook National University)
14:50∼15:10 A Comparative Study of Probabilistic Forecasts for Upper-Level Aviation Turbulence HyeYum Shin
15:10∼15:30 A Surface Stress Modification for Shallow Water Jimy Dudhia
15:30~15:50 Coffee Break
[Session Ⅵ] Coupled Model
15:50∼16:10 Extended range predictions with coupled O-A models Adam Scaife
(Met Office)
16:10∼16:30 Development of the KIM coupled version Myung-Seo Koo
16:30∼16:50 Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling in KIM Eunjeong Lee
16:50~17:10 Mesoscale Dynamic and Thermodynamic coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean near the Kuroshio Current Hajoon Song
(Yonsei University)
17:10~17:30 Improving Earth System Model Development via Hierarchical System Development and the Common Community Physics Package Jimy Duhdia
Third Day (16 November 2022, Wednesday)
[Session Ⅶ] Observation Preprocessing
09:00∼09:20 Observation processing for the KIAPS Data Assimilation system: Current status and Plan Jeon-Ho Kang
09:20∼09:40 A new strategy to stabilize bias correction of satellite radiance observation in KPOP Hyeyoung Kim
09:40∼10:00 Sea ice emissivity and emitting layer temperature over the Arctic Ocean for assimilating surface-sensitive microwave channels Byung-Ju Sohn
(Seoul National University)
10:00∼10:20 Perspectives on observation usage at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Susan Rennie
10:20∼10:40 Coffee Break
[Session Ⅷ] Data Assimilation
10:40∼11:00 Scale-Dependent Background-Error Covariance Localization in the Canadian Global Deterministic Prediction System Mark Buehner
11:00∼11:20 Recent progress in Earth System Data Assimilation and Observation usage at ECMWF Stephen English
11:20∼11:40 Development of data assimilation systems for current and future KIAPS models Adam Clayton
11:40∼12:00 Impact of satellite and regional in-situ profile data assimilation on a high-resolution ocean prediction system in the Northwest Pacific Young-Ho Kim
(Pukyong National University)
12:00∼12:20 Framework for All-sky Radiance Assimilation in the KIM Forecast System Sihye Lee
12:20∼12:30 Symposium Summary & Closing